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Secretary’s Message

Dear Friends,

Diabetic Association of India, West Bengal,

Warm greetings to all of you!

Diabetic Association of India, West Bengal, is playing a leading role in creating awareness about diabetes among patients and caregivers for decades. It’s really a great challenge to impart knowledge and educate people regarding diabetes among all odds including socio-cultural, economic and psychological barrier, and our association relentlessly put effort to overcome the obstacle.

The year 2021 is a very important year for patients having diabetes as well as health care workers treating diabetes. It’s important because it is the centenary of discovery of a magnificent hormone which saved the lives of millions of dying people.  As a secretary, I am privileged to celebrate the 100 years of insulin discovery as it is even more relevant now when diabetes has become a global epidemic.

2021 is important for another reason. Apart from global diabetes epidemic, we are passing through a dark phase of COVID-19 pandemic with its devastating consequences on health (both physical & mental), economy and education. Diabetes has an impact on COVID-19 as it makes one more prone to infection as well as stormier course of disease. On the other hand, COVID-19 restricted movement, loaded stress and anxiety universally, prompted more intake of food to boost up immunity and ended in an uncontrolled diabetes.

The association has an immense role in this period of unforeseen crisis. It is our duty to help people with diabetes to cope up with the new norm, preferably via new mode (on line teaching using multimedia) and opening a new horizon for the needy.

Our activities will continue even in pandemic nightmare through digital media maintaining social distance, but fulfilling social responsibilities. We will be celebrating 100 years of Insulin discovery, National nutrition week and World Diabetes Day, physical or digital as situation permits.

I conclude by paying heartfelt homage to those COVID martyrs who sacrificed their lives as frontline soldiers and who fought with only one weapon, the stethoscope.

Long live Diabetic Association of India, West Bengal! All the members, stay healthy and stay safe.

Dr. Sarmishtha Mukhopadhyay


Diabetic Association of India, West Bengal


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